Monday, August 31, 2020

Welcome to Grade 5 in Mrs. McMillan's Class

Welcome to Grade 5!

I very much look forward to spending the rest of year with your children in Grade 5. In Grade 5 we focus mainly on reading and writing and mastering our math facts in +,-,x,\ as our mornings will be comprised of mostly language arts and math activities. In the afternoon we will lighten things up with social studies, science, and music. Routines are very important in our children's lives and it is important to establish these routines early. I encourage you and your child to establish routines that work for you and your family to set your child up for success.
-AGENDAS - Your child was given a 2020-2021 agenda on the first day of school. This is very important method of communication for the upcoming events in our classroom. Please take the time to read and sign your child's agenda each and every evening so I know you have read it. Please pay for your child's agenda using school cash online. 
-READING - Your child will not be assigned homework on a regular basis so it is very important to read with your child each and every night. Establishing this routine early will help it to stick throughout the year.
8:20 and 8:25 in the morning and 3:10 and 3:15 Monday thru Thursday (Nutrition breaks are at 10:30 am and 1:15pm)
Your child will be dismissed at 11:25 and 11:30am on Friday
*Please ensure your child knows where they are to go after school, or who is picking them up. This helps to ease the worry some kids may experience.*
-E-MAIL- Please communicate with me via e-mail, as it is the easiest way to chat with you throughout the day.

MASK WEARING AND SOCIAL DISTANCING -Your child has been asked to bring his/her own masks until they are issued 2 reusable masks from the school. We will be wearing our masks when social distancing is NOT possible and in common areas. These areas include hallways and in our lineup outside. Your child will be asked to sanitize their hands upon entering the school and our classroom each time.  We would greatly appreciate your help in reminding your child of the importance of maintaining these protocols until we have further notice. Thank you so much. 

-Important dates will be updated on the blog. Please use this to help keep you updated on what is happening in our classroom,

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